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Time to get excited about winter!

Bethany Fetherston and Felicity Batty in the snow

Many of us have a very doom and gloom approach to the cold. This however can not change the fact that winter is here and for at least three months we have to somehow come to terms with that. Better than that we can actually be content with it. It is time to get excited about winter! Just because it is cold out and the days are shorter does not mean we can't have fun. It is strange to think that one of the most controversial things I can say amongst my friends is that "I actually love winter!"  Everyone just kind of looks at me like I am defected or simply not Australian. Fun fact: Despite popular belief, Australia does actually get cold. Just go to Tasmania then you'll know Australia can actually be cold. But in all seriousness I love winter. There is so much you can do that you simply can not do when it is 35°out.  

It is because of my love of winter that in true celebratory fashion I have decided to give you 10 reasons why you should be excited about winter.  

1. Hot Chocolate and Chai Lattes 

All the joy of the world in a heart warming mug. 

What could be better than this? 

Yes, you can add marshmallows!

2. Snow!

Snowsports, snowman, snowflakes, 

snowball fights, mittens and a whole lot of white.

There is so much to love about snow. Theres that indescribable feeling

we get in our hearts when it first falls that can only rival the innocent 

sensation of when we once stayed up late trying to catch Santa on Christmas Eve.

Snow falls and makes everything suddenly new and beautiful. 

Not to mention the worlds most stunning insta shots of you and your squad.

3. Bonfires

It is true that it doesn't have to be winter to have a good bonfire. 

You can't however have a bonfire when 

it is the middle of summer and we are on BushFire Alert.

So naturally winter is the best time to have a 

massive bonfire with all your friends and a lot of marshmallows.

4. Cute and Comfy Pyjamas!

Peter Alexander is that you?

Why yes of corse it is.

This is where my heart flies and I spend 

debatably way to much on pjs.

If you don't have the budget for PA I recommend Kmart 

believe it or not. 


5. Cozy movies / Doona days

Is there anything better than a doona (Duvet) day?


Well guess what you are wrong because the only thing better

than a day in your favourite pyjamas, wrapped in your 

puffiest doona and fluffiest blanket is a day 

with all this plus a HARRY POTTER MARATHON. 

or Disney Princess take your pick. 

Side note: Do not forget to order pizza!

6.  Snuggling

Cuddles are the bom especially

when it is cold out.

7. The best roast dinners

Lamb roast with mint sauce is a must during winter.

I could fill 10,000 books on all the amazing

food that comes with winter 

it is incredible.

So if you are like me and like food (and I mean really like food)

the fact that it is winter should be the best thing ever. 

Comfort food for life.

8. Roasted chestnuts  

It isn't Christmas in Australia but I learnt something 

very special when I was in England over Christmas.

Roasted chestnuts smell like heaven,

They are simply the most comforting snack I have ever come 

across. Now, it would be weird if we had roasted chestnuts

during Christmas in Aus as it is blimmin hot.

So lets start something and have roasted chestnuts in July! 

Where there is snow and it is cold there just should be roasted chestnuts. 

9. Cute outfits

You've got trench coats and scarfs to suddenly choose from.

Not to mention gloves, beanies and the most adorable winter boots.

Knitwear is amazing and what other time of year do you have an excuse to 

dress up like a marshmallow whist being incredibly 


Some might argue that this sucks because suddenly you have to 

go to the effort of picking out your outfit rather than just throwing on a 

pretty dress and going out the door.

It may not be easier but instead of looking at the downside look up.

you can now mix and match your outfits and look deferent everyday.

10.  Snow sports

I may have eluded to it earlier

but if you haven't actually gone to the snow I strongly recommend giving it a go. 

People blab on about how expensive it is to go but really 

waterparks are just as much and there are heaps of affordable things like sledging to do.

Skiing is my favourite but everyone has there own thing.

Everyone can ride a sled and you don't need to be good at something to try it.

It is never too late to start learning how to snowboard and whilst you may look like Bambi on Ice 

it is still a fun adventure.  

Getting in and having a go is totally worth it. 

And there you have it. I could rattle on longer but I won't. So please don't write winter off strait away. There is heaps of fun to be had and lots of memories to be made at this time of year so please enjoy it.

xoxo, Beth.

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